4 Great Workouts For People Over 70
Staying active is important at any age, however, when you’re over the age of 70 it’s especially important. This is because a lack of exercise can lead to an increased chance of injury, and reduce your amount of mobility and therefore independence.
However, not all workouts are suited for people over the age of 70, since you could severely hurt yourself. After all, not everyone is necessarily in the right physical shape to tackle a serious workout. If you’re looking for ways to stay in shape in your golden years, here are 4 great workouts tailored to your age.
That’s right! You probably didn’t expect something so simple on the list, however, you’d be surprised to find that walking is one of the best forms of exercise out there that pose very little risk for injury. It’s as simple as walking for 20 to 30 minutes every day, and you’ll not only see a significant difference in your body you’ll also find yourself more energized, and even less susceptible to depression.
Start small and work your way up. After a while, you may find that your 15 to 20 minutes strolls progress into hour long walks that you look forward to every day.
Chair Pose
Did you know that simply standing in a chair pose can not only burn calories, but even build your core? This workout is perfect for people over the age of 70, because it can increase your stability and can be done just about anywhere! When you combine the convenience and flexibility compared to the benefits, it’s clear why this is a very popular exercise choice among seniors.
If you’ve never tried yoga, then now is the time to start! Yoga is low impact and slow motion that combines deep poses with deep bright breathing. It’s so soothing that it’s often described as “meditation movement.” If you enjoy taking group classes, you may want to consider signing up for a yoga class in your town, otherwise you could look to YouTube for practicing yoga in the comfort of your own home.
Just remember to take it slowly, and remember that yoga is a process. You may not be able to go as deeply into the poses as you would like initially, however, over time you will, with a little bit of patience and consistency.
Swimming is one of the best low impact workouts that are easy on the joints and ideal for seniors. Swimming doesn’t just improve your cardiovascular health, but it also builds your strength and can even enhance your flexibility.
Since the buoyancy of the water reduces the overall stress on your body, it’s the perfect resistance workout without risking injury. What’s more, swimming is fun! It can be done in a variety of places, from the pool to a local lake, and can even be done alone or with friends..